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Patient Instructions

In order to secure an appointment with Selkirk Anesthesia you must

  1. Complete/Return health history questionnaire and financial agreement available through IntakeQ, which is a HIPPA compliant platform. If additional information is requested by Selkirk Anesthesia (i.e. labs, testing, doctors history and physical notes) it is the responsibility of the patient and office to get these to Selkirk Anesthesia, they can be uploaded within the IntakeQ questionnaire.

  2. Receive clearance by Selkirk Anesthesia to receive anesthesia for procedure

  3. Place $500 non-refundable deposit

  4. Book appointment with help of office manager

  5. Read ALL patient instructions carefully

  6. Expect to receive a phone call about 1-3 weeks prior to your schedule appointment day. You must speak with your anesthesia provider over the phone before the day of you appointment or you are at risk of being canceled and forfeiting your $500 non-refundable deposit.​​

  7. Full payment is required before sedation will begin. Amount due is based on estimate of time given by dentist plus 30 minutes to account for preparing and recovering patient from anesthesia.

  8. Enjoy a stress free procedure!


Patients will receive an electronic copy of the pre-procedure instructions and anesthesia consent. You can also download them here to view them. 


      Patient Instructions                                      Financial Agreement       



     Anesthesia Consent

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